Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A slice of Silicon Valley

Google is world-renowned for its office facilities and luxuries; ping-pong tables, squash tables, video game consoles strewn around, and the employees who sit on exercise balls and drink free smoothies all day.

Now, we get to take a look at two other Silicon Valley social-networking giants, Twitter and Facebook. Gawker takes us into their offices and although they (Gawker) seem
to think that the spaces aren't as useful for productivity (it's apparently a well-known fact that quiet, private offices are better for workers than a large open space), we thought the offices were pretty freakin' sweet. And whatever, we all have a long week ahead of us...we figure you might want to live vicariously through people who have DJ turntables and hot pink sofas at their workplaces.

Photos pulled from Gawker